
Meet Financial Stability with AI-Powered Bookkeeping Platform

Experience RecordME’s fully automated accounting Platform, helping businesses meet digitisation and seamlessly take complete control of their finances.

Say Goodbye to Manual Finance Management  and Experience Automation

RecordMe’s AI-powered accounting platform handles bookkeeping tasks ranging from invoice generation to payment reimbursements while ensuring a seamless experience.



Our automated accounting platform automatically calculates any kind of bill with zero hassle.


Invoice Processing

Extract insights with flawless data extraction and seamless automated invoice processing using automated accounting services.


Payment Processing

Streamline payment workflows and minimise your team’s burden using automated accounting solutions.


Emails Requests

Communicate seamlessly with the AI-powered accounting platform, which makes email files easier to manage, all in one place.


Approval Request

Automate approval requests and administrator responses, ensuring your business’s success with RecordMe.


File Management

Streamline financial data from multiple files in a few steps to maximise productivity with our electronic file management services.


AI-Driven Analytics for Customised  Reports with RecordMe Online Accounting Services

Integrate with third-party business applications and unlock add-on features to generate VAT reports, management reports, inventory details and much more under one platform.

Profit & Loss

Our automated bookkeeping solution helps you create profit and loss reports to provide better insight to stakeholders.

General Ledgers

Effortlessly track and manage financial transactions while maintaining accurate and up-to-date records of all business operations.

Balance Sheet

Create the balance sheets in desired formats using AI-powered accounting services.

Trial Balance

Automate data collection and organisation, ensuring an accurate and comprehensive trial balance report.

Management Reports

Our account automation platform enables the generation of detailed business reports to make informed decisions.

Inventory Details

Integrate our automated bookkeeping solution and get control over your inventory in real time.

Put your Business Accounts on Autopilot with RecordME’s Automated Accounting Platform

Say goodbye to backlogs, manual reconciliation, and endless invoice processing with industry-grade OCR-backed account automation services. With RecordME, you can:

  • Analyse and structure purchase invoices in real time.
  • Download processed account reports in multiple formats.
  • Send invoices via email for instant processing.
  • Send business financial files in bulk.
  • Digitise and unify invoices into a single data format.
  • Gain detailed business financial insights to make informed decisions.
Automate Business

Incorporate Ingenious Bookkeeping Services in a Few Clicks

Easy Integration

Capable of pairing with business apps to record expenses on go & easily manage resources.

Smart Validations

Advanced validations to detect anomalies e.g. duplicate documents or missing information.

Highest Level of Accuracy

Advanced AI algorithms ensure accurate data extraction, pre-validated for accuracy.

Advanced Financial Insights

AI automation can instantly deliver financial insights in real-time.

Cost savings

Leveraging AI to create efficiencies in day-to-day financial processes to reduce costs by up to 80%.

Accounting Automation Platform for Global Industries

Streamline file management, automate repetitive work, and increase transparency with RecordMe. We help diverse industries in multiple ways including:


Accounts Payable Automation


Accounts Receivable Automation


Bank Reconciliation


Financial Reporting


Budgeting and Forecasting


Expense Management